Non dimentichiamo le donne afgane, continuiamo a parlare di loro…. Mesi fa, vi avevo parlato di Shamsia Hassani, la prima street artist donna dell’Afghanistan, oggi vi faccio conoscere – se già non la conoscete – l’artista e fotografa Fatimah Hossaini. Fatimah Hossaini è riuscita ad imbarcarsi su un volo militare francese e, dopo uno scalo ad Abu Dhabi, è giunta a Parigi il 22 agosto. Era tornata nel suo paese nel 2018, era riuscita a comprarsi una casa tutta sua e ora, di nuovo, ha dovuto abbandonare tutto.

«Prepararsi per andare via è stato straziante. Non riesco a smettere di pensarci. In un attimo, la vita è cambiata di nuovo. Sono andata via con una piccola valigia e uno zaino, la macchina fotografica, il pc, i miei scatti nell’hard disk, le cose importanti. Ho lasciato tutto il resto, comprese le stampe pronte per la prossima mostra di New York. (..) Sono partita da Kabul per Parigi con un aereo speciale francese per l’evacuazione di alcune giornaliste e artiste. La situazione in questo momento è terribile, spaventosa, una vera tragedia. Dopo che i talebani hanno preso il controllo di Kabul, tutto è cambiato in meno di 24 ore. Abbiamo perso tutto. Diritti delle donne, libertà, libertà di stampa, e sappiamo tutti che le donne sono la parte più vulnerabile della società e saranno le vere vittime della guerra. Sfortunatamente, poiché sono stata minacciata dai talebani a causa dei miei lavori, non potevo rimanere nel mio Paese, e lasciarlo era la mia unica opzione per continuare a rivendicare la mia voce e presentare il mio lavoro».

Continuo il post in inglese, sperando di raggiungere più lettori possibili. Vi ricordo che entrambe le artiste hanno un profilo Instagram, seguitele, facciamole sentire ascoltate!

Fatimah Hossaini, Afghan-Tehran born Artist, photographer, curator, exhibitioner and Founder of Mastooraat Organization. She is the youngest among 10 first winner of the Hypatia international award which reward to the commitment in the field of Research, art and professions. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Photography from University of Tehran after her first bachelor in Industrial engineering. She Taught at art Faculty of Kabul University from 2018-2019. Fatimah has worked and advocated on Women and refugee rights on national and international platforms. Her work tells powerful stories of identity and femininity in Afghanistan. Although color and passion are the main drivers of her success in her artwork, she specializes in Staged photography. Due to her passion and admiration of arts, Her work has been featured and displayed in group exhibitions and art festivals in Iran, Afghanistan, India, Turkey, China, Japan, South Korea, Austria, Denmark, Italy,Albania, France, New York and … Additionally, Fatimah’s works and articles has been printed and featured in local and transnational publications. and it has been featured by BBC, Gurdian,Aljazeera, Lenseculture, TRT world, Bloomberg, business insider, outriders, NRK, Sydasien, Art represent, Le’ Figaro Magazine, L’eclectique Mag. Chiiz mag, CIIN Magazine, Nytt mag, Held collective and so many more …

Let’s have a quick view of her artwork; please visit her official site to see all her collections!

Burqua behind the steering wheel

Women in Afghanistan have always faced restrictions in society – which some are deeply rooted in culture of Afghanistan. Even when women live in a far geography than Afghanistan, still in the background, they remain in the past life of their mothers. Some can break those taboos and step out to the life they want, but some never get the chance to live the freedom they have desired for. In this collection, a woman is displayed who intentionally break the taboos, comes out of the shadows that has always hid her and lives the life she wants. She freely drives in streets, adorns herself, and feels herself – but what she wants to see is only what she sees is the small world visible in the mirror and things outside are different. In a society where they prevent a woman to freely show her beauty, femininity itself, is a beautiful challenge. This beauty and willingness to be beautiful is that invites her to overcome that challenge and come out of the shadows hiding her courage and beauty. In this collection, a woman is displayed to live in the middle of traditions and modernism which her beauty in only limited to that mirror – and then a burqa will cover her face.


In This collection, the diversity of cultures of Afghanistan has been shown in the portraits of Afghan women. Women from different tribes are photographed which shows their exclusive culture and traditions. In this photo collection, different faces of Afghan women, such as Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, Qizilbashes, and Uzbeks will stand in front of camera, with their exclusive clothing. it will also remind people of the forgotten rich culture and clothing style of Afghan women.


In this photo collection, which its shooting is still in  progress, different faces of Afghan women, in traditional and different places has been taken with their exclusive clothing. Their beauty and femininity will be showcased and framed into a cover of diverse culture and traditions of Afghanistan. These faces with their unique looks, besides being a break of taboos and cliché look of Afghan women with Burqa, will be captured with a different clothing/look, with respect to their traditions, to show the diverse culture and beauty of Afghan women and Afghan culture. The calm, shy, coquetry, and feminine looks and hidden beauties of Afghan women will be framed. Using colors and the power of looks, this Collection will try to highlight the beauty of femininity, and in specific, Afghan women, and reflect on different face of Afghan women usually seen as weak and victim. The beauty, power and resilience of Afghan women will be displayed.

Please follow Fatimah Hossaini on Instagram and Twitter, let’s support her and every afghan woman.

Se cercate romanzi di autori afghani, potete consultare il mio post Viaggio letterario in Afghanistan.